Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cream...Tips and Facts


Half & Half is at least 10.5% butterfat (milkfat),
Light Cream is between 18 and 30% butterfat,
Light Whipping Cream is between 30 and 36% butterfat,
Heavy Whipping Cream is between 36 and 40% butterfat.

The colder cream is to start, and the colder it stays as you whip it, the easier and better it whips.
If it is not cold enough, it doesn’t “whip”, it “churns” (no air is incorporated) which makes butter.

When whipping cream, add the sugar when the cream is mostly whipped, and the cream will whip to a higher volume. Adding the sugar at.

Here are some facts and tips on using cream or milk in hot dishes.

1) The lower the butterfat (milkfat) content, the more likely cream is to separate.
Half & Half is at least 10.5% butterfat (milkfat)
Light Cream is between 18% and 30% butterfat
Light Whipping Cream is 30% to 36% butterfat
Heavy Cream (Heavy Whipping Cream) is 36% to 40% butterfat

2) The hotter the liquid, the more likely cream is to curdle (separate). Cream should never be added to a boiling liquid.

When adding cream or milk, it is best to heat it up a bit before adding it to another hot liquid. It is partly the difference in temperature that causes milk or cream to curdle. the beginning results is lower volume.

RoBa Cooking Tips and Recipes BlogSite

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